EMSA sends Drones to monitor emissions in Danish waters

Drones monitor emissions in Danish waters
Drones monitor emissions in Danish waters

Acc to EMSA (European Maritime Safety Agency) the Danish authorities have requested once again EMSA’s Remotely Piloted Aircraft System (RPAS) services to support the monitoring of ship emissions around the area of the Great Belt. The RPAS in this particular case will specifically measure the ships’ sulphur emissions to check compliance with EU rules governing the sulphur content of marine fuel, but they also can be used to monitor ships pollution and detection operations from vessels.

Full data to send to the member state authorities
Full data to send to the member state authorities

Measurements will be transmitted in real time to the EMSA RPAS Data Centre and to THETIS EU, which will create alerts to be followed up by the competent authorities.

The deployment of the RPAS from the Danish coast started on 6 July in support of the Danish Maritime Authority (DMA) and the Danish Environmental Protection Agency (DEPA) and is a continuation of previous services in 2018 and 2019.

RPAS provide an effective mean for monitoring ship compliance with the MARPOL Annex VI for Sulphur Emission Control Area (SECA): The RPAS unit passes through the exhaust gas plume from ships’ stacks and analyses the plume with a dual sniffer system from which the sulphur content in the fuel burnt is derived.

The sulphur content in the fuel used together with images, video, flight path, measurements are transferred in near to real time and stored in the RPAS DC. The data centre is directly linked to THETIS-EU, a central database that inspectors can consult. In case of a possible noncompliant vessel, further control can be prioritised at the next port of call.

As in 2019, the service provider for this deployment is the consortium comprising Nordic Unmanned AS, and NORCE Norwegian Research Centre AS. This year the deployment will be performed by the Schiebel CAMCOPTER® S100 flying with Nordic Unmanned AS’s tail number. It is a RPAS for Vertical Take Off and Landing (VTOL) with a flight endurance of more than six hours that can pursue night operations. The aircraft payload includes the Explicit mini sniffer sensor system for vessel emissions monitoring. The Satcom services to directly connect the site of operation to the RPAS-DC are provided by VIASAT.

EMSA’s RPAS services have been developed to assist in maritime surveillance and monitoring operations to support national authorities involved in coast guard functions. This includes: maritime pollution and emissions monitoring; detection of illegal fishing, anti-drug trafficking, and illegal immigration; border surveillance; and, search and rescue operations.

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Dipl. -Ing. Peter Pospiech
Redaktionsleitung bei VEUS-Shipping.com mit Schwerpunkt Schiffsbetriebstechnik, Transport, Logistik, Schiffahrt, Hafen und dem weitreichenden Thema Umweltschutz sowie gesetzliche Auflagen für Antriebsmaschinen.