MAN Engines to Power French Naval Logistic Vessels

MAN 12V32/44CR engine
The MAN 12V32/44CR engine

French Navy trusts in MAN ES Engines

A temporary consortium formed by Chantiers de l’Atlantique and Naval Group has been awarded a contract for four Logistic Support Ships (LSS). As part of the deal, MAN Energy Solutions will supply the Chantiers de l’Atlantique shipyard with a total of 16 engines in connection with the building of the four refuelling tankers for the French Navy.

Refuelling tanker
Four refuelling tankers will be build, each one features 4 x MAN 32/44CR engines. ©MAN ES

Each vessel will feature a diesel-electric propulsion system with two shaft lines and propellers. MAN’s scope of supply covers 2 × MAN 12V32/44CR engines (2 × 7,200kW) + 2 × MAN 8L32/44CR engines (2 × 4,800kW) resiliently mounted on baseframes. Delivery for the four newbuildings is scheduled between 2022 and 2029.

Wayne Jones OBE – Chief Sales Officer and Member of the Executive Board, MAN Energy Solutions – attended the signing ceremony in Saint-Nazaire and said: “This is a real stamp of approval for our Company as this is a sizable contract with what is probably one of the most active navies in Europe. It is also very pleasing to work once again with Chantiers de l’Atlantique, one of Europe’s major shipyards. We thank both organisations for placing their trust in us and look forward to our continued fruitful relationship.”

The order is part of a Franco-Italian LSS Programme led by OCCAR*, the International Organisation for Joint Armament Co-operation, on behalf of DGA, the French Armament General Directorate, and its Italian counterpart, NAVARM.

The tankers each have a fuel capacity of 13,000 m3, with a mission to provide logistical support to French and allied navies’ combat vessels. They will carry fuel for vessels, jet fuel for aircraft, weapons and ammunition, spare parts, as well as food. The tankers have been designed to support the aviation group attached to the aircraft carrier CHARLES DE GAULLE.

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